
Thursday, 31 July 2014

sumdog W2T3

Hi today I was playing on sumdog and the game that me and my friend were playing was Disguise and I won.

Study ladder

Today I have been on study ladder and I already know my add on 10.
The times table I am learning is my 10's.

I have another green face because I already know my 2 times table.

Ikan week 2 term 3

Hi today I am doing my Ikan and this is what I need to work on.
The number I got wrong was half of 18.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

spelling city W2T3

Hi today I was learning my spelling and I got them all right because I have been learning them.

Character Comparison Chart

Hi today I am writing about Character Comparison Chart and we have to write about there life and then we get to do ourselves.

Venn Diagram Rob and Opal

WRLT: Compare two characters.
Hi, today I am doing this worksheet that my teacher cent me so I can do it and the name is called Venn Diagram Rob and Opal.

writing goal

Hi I am learning to achieve my writing goal.

maths goals

Today I was doing my maths goals and this is what I need to work on.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Reading log W1T3

Today,I was doing my reading log and I am happy that I filled it out.

Friday, 25 July 2014


For reading I am doing my homophones and they are board and bored.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Iron Tamariki

Today I am finishing off my writing about Iron Tamariki so i can get more posts.


today I am doing my Ikan and i'm trying my best and this is the number I got wrong.

Subtracting in part

 Hi,today I an learning my Subtracting in part and this is what I did.
Hi my name is cerenity and this is my blog and i am a year4.

Missing ones and tens

 I am learning to miss ones and tens so I can get better at it.                                          

Wednesday, 2 July 2014


Today I have been doing my ikan and today I got this number wrong.The number that I got wrong was
649 999